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Thursday 20 May 2021

Google Arts & Culture APK Download 2021

Google Arts & Culture APK Download 2021

Are you curious about what Van Gogh’s Starry Night looks like up close? Have you ever toured the ancient Maya temples or met the inspirational figures of Black history? Do you want to learn about Japan’s unique food culture or incredible Indian railways?

Google Arts & Culture puts the treasures, stories and knowledge of over 2,000 cultural institutions from 80 countries at your fingertips. From the suffragettes who fought for women’s rights, to performing arts at the Paris Opera, to NASA’s archive of stunning images, discover stories about our cultural heritage. It’s your doorway to explore the art, history, people and wonders of our world.

• Art Transfer – Take a photo and transform it with classic artworks
• Art Selfie – Discover portraits that look like you
• Color Palette – Find art by using the colors of your photo
• Art Projector – See how artworks look in real size
• Pocket Gallery – Wander through immersive galleries and get up close to art
• Art Camera – Explore high-definition artworks
• 360° videos – Experience culture in 360 degrees
• Virtual reality tours – Step inside world-class museums
• Street View – Tour famous sites and landmarks
• Explore by time and color – Travel through time and see the rainbow through art
• Art Recogniser – Point your device camera at artworks to learn more about them, even when offline (at select museums only)

More features:
• Exhibits – Take guided tours curated by experts
• Favorites – Save and group your favorite artworks into galleries to share with friends or students
• Nearby – Find museums and exhibitions near you
• Notifications – Subscribe to receive weekly highlights or favorite content updates
• Translate – Use the translate button to read about exhibits from around the world in your language

Permissions notice:
• Location: used to recommend cultural sites and events based on your current location
• Camera: used to recognise artworks and provide related information about them
• Contacts (Get Accounts): used to allow sign in with a Google Account, in order to store users' favourites and preferences
• Storage: used to allow artworks to be recognised and related information to be accessed while offline
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Blossom - Plant Identification APK Download 2021

Blossom - Plant Identification APK Download 2021

Discover the Blossom app - your reliable plant care guide and a pocket plant identifier!

Identify plants, flowers, succulents, trees by photo and get how-tos and useful plant care tips. Set timely reminders to water your greenery on time without drowning it. Find out the best way to fertilize and repot your plants and flowers. Snap a picture of a tree in your favorite park and learn more about it. Start growing your private blossoming garden!

Roses are red, violets are blue... Ready to know all the plants around you?
Plant identifying and growing can be real fun! With the Blossom app, you can learn everything you need to give your green friends a long and happy life.


Instantly identify over 10,000 of plants, flowers, succulents, and trees by picture. Simply take a photo of a plant or use a picture on your phone, and our app will identify it in a snap!
• Upgrade to enjoy premium shows (without ads) at a very affordable price of Rs.399 per year

We have picked some really good quotes for showcasing in our app

Need to know when your plant will flower or what trees grow in your garden? Identify plants by photo or search the plant name in our database to get detailed information about each plant’s features and caring instructions.

Get notified when it's time to water, fertilize, mist, clean, and repot. Create a custom reminder in case your plant needs something special.

Check out the “Plant care basics” series to learn more about your plants’ needs.

Add all your plant species to My garden to keep track of the growth and development of your plants, flowers, succulents and trees.

Make the Blossom app a home for your plants. Whether you are an expert gardener or a first-time plant parent trying to identify the needs of your iu: enjoy tending your own garden, live your greenest life.

Premium features:
Unlimited identification - identify as many plants as you want;
Unlimited reminders - set a reminder for every single flower.

You can choose from different subscription options:
1-month Subscription
1-year Subscription
* A subscription with a free trial will automatically renew to a paid subscription unless you cancel the subscription before the end of the free trial period.
* Cancel a free trial or subscription anytime through your account settings on the Google Play Store and continue to enjoy the premium content until the end of the free-trial period or paid subscription!
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Wombo AI Video Maker:Make Your Selfies Sing

Wombo ai app : make you photo sync wombo Helper.Create hilarious lip sync videos with a single selfie Wombo ai Helper app.Since its launch two weeks ago, wambo app has already been downloaded over two million times.

The new wambo app that makes almost any picture sing literally has become hugely popular on social media.Guide for Wombo video editoris the best application that will allow to the users to learn everything about this free application. In this guide to Wombo everything you need to take your favorite funny selfies.

You may have utilized so numerous lip-sync applications previously, yet this is something new and quick. I'm really discussing Wombo ai Apk. You can download the application and catch photos to change over them into clever clasps.

All you have to do is add a selfie, pick a song, and let WOMBO work its magic. The result? Videos that are hilarious, bizarre, fun, and ready to go viral. No singing lessons required.

It is by far one of the worldís best lip-syncing app. In short, you can make your selfies look like they are singing. We feel the need to put content on the Internet quite frequently. For that, apps that add an exciting element like Wombo are of great use.

Wombo ai Apk is an AI-Powered application that permits clients to make short videos. You just need to catch a photo and afterward click on the make catch or alternative to make that animation. Nonetheless, don't have to catch the entire video. Simply ensure you have chosen a superior and reasonable sound or music.

People from around the world are using WOMBO to create hilarious, weird, and expressive lip sync videos. Download WOMBO and join the chorus today.

When you will be finished with all that cycle, just save it to the display or fare it. At that point you can make really fascinating and viral substance through that. Your own photos as well as you can make that pleasant stuff for others as well. You simply need to embed a photo into the application and that is it.

WOMBO video tips Features :

  • Upload Images ó Ever wondered what your friend, family member or pet would look like singing a song? Upload their picture to WOMBO and find out!
  • Tons of tunes ó From old favourites to the latest hits, WOMBO's music selection is constantly growing so you can find your rhythm and share it with the world.
  • WOMBOs are optimized for social media sharing and are ready to go viral.
Download Wombo Apk
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ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए8

ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए

Magtapp is a Web Browser, Document Reader & Image Dictionary 

MagTapp is World’s First Web Browser with Visual Dictionary, Inbuilt Document Reader, Online Document Library & Translation Feature.

Magtapp is a Web Browser, Document Reader & Image Dictionary | 1,000,000+ Users

MagTapp is World’s First Web Browser with Visual Dictionary, Inbuilt Document Reader, Online Document Library & Translation Feature. Enjoy Visual Meaning on Tap!

ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए

Summer (गर्मियां) आ गई हैं और मौसम का तापमान तेजी से बढ़ना शुरू हो गया है। इसके साथ ही बाजार में Watermelon (तरबूज) और Sugarcane (गन्ने) के रस की भी मांग बढ़ने लगी है। भारत की बात करें तो तरबूज आपको 20-30 रुपये किलो आसानी से मिल जाता है।

ये है दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल - कीमत इतनी कि कोई आलीशान कार आ जाए

भारत में कई प्रकार के फल और सब्जियां उपलब्ध हैं। उनमें से कुछ बहुत ही सामान्य फल हैं जैसे सेब, संतरा, अंगूर आदि। लेकिन बाजार में कुछ फैंसी फल भी मिलते हैं। जिसकी कीमत 500 से शुरू होती है। कुछ फल बारह से पंद्रह सौ तक के होते हैं।

लेकिन अगर आपसे कहा जाए कि ये तरबूज एक जगह लाखों रुपए किलो बिकता है तो क्या आप इसे खाने की हिम्मत करेंगे? कैसा है ये तरबूज और क्यों बिकता है इतने दाम में? आज हम इसके बारे में विस्तार से बताएंगे।

इस स्थान पर जापानी तरबूज उगाए जाते हैं

यह एक ऐसा फल है जिसे केवल अमीर लोग ही खरीद सकते हैं। Yubari Watermelon (यूबेरी तरबूज) हर जगह नहीं उगते हैं। यह फल केवल Japan (जापान) में ही उगाया जाता है। यह बहुत कम मात्रा में उगाया जाता है इसलिए इसका निर्यात नहीं किया जाता है। ऐसे में ये तरबूज सिर्फ जापान में ही पाया जाता है।

आज हम जिस तरबूज की बात कर रहे हैं वह Most
 Expensive Fruit in the World (दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल) भी माना जाता है। इस तरबूज का नाम है Yubari King (युबारी किंग) और इसे जापान के Hokkaido Island (होक्काइडो द्वीप) में उगाया जाता है। फल में हल्की सुगंध, कुछ बीज और मीठा स्वाद होता है। इन तीन खूबियों की वजह से यह हजारों डॉलर में बिकता है।

दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल

सबसे हैरान करने वाली बात यह है कि इतना महंगा होने के बावजूद इसकी काफी डिमांड है। यह फल 20 लाख रुपए किलो बिक रहा है। फिर भी बहुत से लोग इसे खरीदते हैं। इस फल के इतने महंगे होने की एक खास वजह है। जबकि फल आमतौर पर धूप में उगते हैं, यूबेरी तरबूज को केवल ग्रीनहाउस में ही उगाया जा सकता है।

बहुत कम मात्रा में उगाए जाने और मांग इतनी अधिक होने के कारण यह दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल है। साल 2019 में जारी टेस्ट एटलस की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, उस वक्त 2 जापानी तरबूज युबारी किंग 42450 अमेरिकी डॉलर यानी करीब 34 लाख रुपये में बिका था। जिसे दुनिया का सबसे महंगा फल कहा जाता था।

रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाने का उपाय

और भी कई विशेषताएं हैं जो इस जापानी तरबूज को महंगा बनाती हैं, जिनके बारे में आपको पता होना चाहिए। इस फल में विटामिन ए, एस, पोटैशियम, कैल्शियम, फॉस्फोरस समेत कई मिनरल्स पाए जाते हैं। यह संक्रमण रोधी फल है यानी इसका सेवन करने से कई तरह की बीमारियों से बचा जा सकता है। इसे खाने से इम्यून सिस्टम मजबूत होता है।

उत्पादन के लिए प्रौद्योगिकी

जापानी तरबूज युबरी किंग का उत्पादन हर साल अक्टूबर से मार्च तक होता है। इसे उगाने के लिए एक खास तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। इसके उत्पादन के लिए फलों के आकार, रस की मात्रा और उसमें मिठास के नियंत्रण पर अधिक ध्यान दिया जाता है। इन तरबूज के उत्पादन में विशेष उर्वरकों का प्रयोग किया जाता है जिससे इनकी मिठास बढ़ जाती है। इन तरबूजों की कीमत अधिक होने के कारण, दुनिया के कुछ ही धनी उपभोक्ता ही इन्हें खरीद सकते हैं।

Anyone who faces difficulty while reading content online or in documents or anywhere in their phone due to difficult English words just need to Tap on the word (long Press on the word) and Visual Meaning of that Word will appear in an instant.

Use Image Dictionary for Searching Visual Meaning of Words, for Translating Sentences, for Voice to Voice Translation, and for Image Translation.

Use All Documents (MagDoc) for Reading Offline & Online Documents files with One Tap Visual Meaning. MagDoc is World's most Advance Document Reader with Document Listening, Document Editing, Document Underlining feature.

Use TranslateAll for Translating WhatsApp, Facebook & Text SMS. TranslateAll by MagTapp works on any app installed in your phone.

Use Reading Mode (Play Button in Browser) for Listening or Reading Webpages or Online Content in MagTapp Browser distraction-free

MagTapp Mode (On / Off Button): When MagTapp Mode is On, Tap or Long Press on Words for Visual Meaning, When MagTapp Mode is Off Select content for Listening it, Taking Note and for Translation.

WOMBO is the world’s best AI-powered lip sync app.

All you have to do is add a selfie, pick a song, and let WOMBO work its magic. The result? Videos that are hilarious, bizarre, fun, and ready to go viral. No singing lessons required.


MagTapp Image Dictionary and MagTapp Translate is available in 41 Languages of which 12 Indian Languages are Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujrati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Odia, Urdu, Nepali, and 29 International Languages are Afrikaans, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Cebuano, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Haitian, Hausa, Hmong, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Myanmar, Persian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Yoruba & Zulu.

10,000+ Visual Idioms are added for students preparing for Various Competetive Examinations with One Tap Visual Meaning feature.

Word History records all the words which user Searches or Taps in MagTapp App.

Backup & Cloud Sync feature is added for taking regular backup of users data.

Night Mode for Night Reading.

Word Game is added in the Game section for revising Words Searched on MagTapp App.

This app uses the Accessibility permission to protect visually impaired and other users against phishing attacks and malicious websites.

Use Take Notes for taking instant notes while reading content on MagTapp Web Browser or in MagDoc.

We have added Video Courses for Class 6 to Class 12 Students in the Hindi Language for students to learn from home. Video Courses contain free Video Courses by Expert Teachers.


All Documents (MagDoc) has introduced Online Document Library where 10,000+ User Generated Document files have been added. Free Download and Read NCERT Books & Solutions with NCERT Notes for Class 5 to Class 12. Free Download Notes for UPSC / PCS on Environment, Economics, International Relations, Science & Technology, Geography, History & Polity for Exam Preparation. Free Download IITJEE Mains & Advance Notes, Previous Year Question Papers, Physics, Chemistry & Maths Notes with Daily Practise Paper for each subject. Free download Previous Year Question Papers and Notes on Biology, Chemistry & Physics for NEET & Medical Exam Preparation. Free Download SSC Exam Preparation Notes on Maths, GK & GS, Reasoning, English & Previous Year Question Papers. Free Download CBSE Sample Paper, Notes, Marks Wise Questions for Class 6 to Class 12. Free Download ICSE Board Books Solution, Notes, Important Questions for Class 6 to Class 12. Free Download Notes for CA Foundation, CA Intermediate & CA Final Exam Preparation. Free Download Engineering Notes for Civil, CS, Electrical & Mechanical. Free Download Medical Revision Notes for MBBS, BMBS, Clinical Examination, Clinical Procedures, Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy. Free Download Notes & Books for Learning Digital Marketing Skills. Entrepreneurship etc. Download all these Document Files & Read it in MagDoc's Document Reader with One Tap Visual Meaning, Document Listening & Translation Feature

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Wednesday 19 May 2021

PLAYit - A New all in one Video Player

PLAYit - A New all in one Video Player

 PLAYit - A New all in one Video Player

Video player & music player all formats supported to play all media files.

🇮🇳In need of an all-in-one video player, music player🎦 and video downloader, music downloader🎵?
✨PLAYit is ready to provide you a feast for eyes👁 and ears👂!

🎉HD video player 2020 is your best online video mate and online music player in India to enjoy latest Bollywood movies🎥, Hindi films📽, watch IPL 2020 games🏏 and other local video clips📼 in all format (MKV videos, FLV videos,M4V videos, etc

💾Besides, you can also direct download and save any videos🎞 from Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other social media. In this way, you could save the video in advance and watch anytime anywhere even if there's poor Internet connection📶

🎦Best online HD sax video player, gaana music player and downloader 2️0️2️0️ with stunning features
🍿All format videos all format audio supported

HD sax video player for all format: 4k videos, 1080p videos, MKV videos, FLV videos, 3GP videos, M4V videos, TS videos, MPG videos
HQ music player for all format: mp3 files, m4a files

કનઝંક્ટીવાઈટીસ આંખની વાયરલ બીમારી: અહીથી વાંચો માહિતી

🔍Auto detect and manage local media files
Auto detect all video files on Android device and SD card, easy to sort and share media files. All format video downloaded and analyzed by HD video remain high-definition

Quick search, play and download online videos/pics
VPN browser for any sites and bets video downloader. Search any videos and tab the "download" button, videos or photos will directly saved.It could be Facebook video downloader, Twitter video downloader, Instagram video downloader, WhatsApp status video downloader
💬Floating play and background play allow multi-tasking
Turn on floating-play window to chat with others or work with other apps while watching videos or listening to music.
🔁Video to audio converter
One click to convert videos to audios and enjoy audio/music playing.
🔣Online Subtitle Function
Search online subtitle and free download to watch movies with English/Hindi/Tamil subtitles. Enjoy Vinashkaal latest hindi movie!
👏Smart gesture control during video player videos playing
Multi-play option and easy gesture control to change playback speed, brightness and volume

👍Advanced kernel SW decoder to provide better experience
Software acceleration is applied to all formats. By changing the decoding mode, playback will be more smooth and of high quality

🎞▶HD Video Player: Play It
- Browse all your local video files and play status videos, trailers, movies and any other videos stored in your device, any formats supported
- Background play function to keep playing the video when switch to other apps or turn off the phone screen
- Floating play function to adjust the player's floating window and use other apps at the same time
- Easily use gesture control to adjust playback speed, brightness and volume. video playback continuous from the last position smartly

Important Link


📽▶HD Video Downloader: Download It
- Enter the video website or social media site like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
- Tap “Download” button for video downloader and save Facebook live videos, Instagram post, WhatsApp status, TikTok videos and other social media pictures or videos
- Tap “Download” button for video downloader and save full hindi movies or film clips on your own device

🎼▶HQ Music Player: Listen to It
- Locate and manage all audio files from your phone memory and SD card
- Free choose to play single piece of songs or the whole playlist on PLAYit music player
- Convert Mp4 to Mp3 with one simple click remaining incredible audio quality
- Automatically pause playback when your headset is unplugged

🖥▶PLAYit player for PC
To play videos on your laptop/computer, please go to our official website to get PLAYit for window version.

⭐We are working hard for your better experience as a stunning HD video player and video downloader!

📩If you have any problem during the usage of PLAYit, please direct contact us via

PLAYit - A New all in one Video Player

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Tuesday 18 May 2021

Listen All India Radio, Aakashvani App.

Listen All India Radio, Akashvani, Cricket Commentary, Vividh Bharati, BBC Radio

All India Radio Akashvani Features

✔ Listen to All India Radio & Akashvani Radio Stations

✔ Listen to Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Marathi, Gujarati, Bangla, Urdu, Arabic & Nepali FM Radio

✔ Listen to BBC Radio, BBC Hindi Radio & BBC Dinbhar

✔ Listen to Bhakti & Prayers Radio Stations

✔ Listen to National & Regional News in Hindi & English

✔ Listen to Categorized Hindi Music Radio Stations

✔ Listen to Sports Radio Stations

✔ Listen to Live Cricket Commentary in every match days

✔ Also Get Live Cricket Score of Every Cricket Match

✔15+ FM Rainbow Channel

✔10+ Vividh Bharati Live

✔ Listen to Hindi Story, Inspirational Quotes & Many More

All India Radio provide crystal clear & HD sound without any bug. I show many India radio app that not work perfectly so I decided to make this app so install and enjoy.


How to use All India Radio

Open the app and click on the radio station name which you want start to playing.

How to play All India Radio in background

Simply play any station and click home button and enjoy music/news/cricket commentary and more
*Home button is mostly middle button of mobile


How to stop All India radio

Just Drop down notification bar and click on stop or cross or open the app and click on STOP button (which have top of menu)

Note: All India Radio Akashvani Radio requires a good internet connection to use more conveniently. Make sure you have a good internet connection to use all india radio & Akashvani Radio.

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Monday 17 May 2021

Hard Drive Data Restore advisor to recover deleted photos videos files & folders

Hard Drive Data Restore advisor to recover deleted photos videos files & folders

Restore Cell Phone Picture Videos Files Folder Data of Mobile Memory or SD Cards

Mobile Phone Data Recovery Advisor is a Free App that guides you to restore your deleted pictures or erased Files Photos Videos Images and other lost data from Cell Phone internal storage or memory Card of your mobile using DDR mobil e Data Recovery Software.

This App has following main sections on the basis of major data loss cases:

Deleted Data from Mobile Phone
Formatted Memory Card of your Mobile
Lost Picture from Cell Phone
Erased Mobile Phone Videos
Formatted Mobile Phone storage or SD Card

DDR Mobile Phone Data Recovery Software works for Windows as well as Mac. If you require any further technical assistance from our expert Data Recovery Team, You can contact us just by a single tap on contact us button within the App.

Hard Disk Data Recovery Advisor is free App to help users who are trying to recover data from crashed Computer hard drives such as Laptop Desktop External Hard disks and USB Flash Drive of Windows as well as Mac using DDR Data Recovery Software. App has following basic Data recovery categories on the basis of primary data loss cases:

from damaged or reformatted disks.

શિક્ષક ભરતી બાબત ડીટેઇલ ન્યુઝ રીપોર્ટ અહિંથી વાંચો

* Crashed Hard Disk of Laptop
* Deleted Hard Disk Partition
* Deleted Hard Disk Data
* Formatted Hard Disk Drive
* Deleted External USB Hard disk Data
* Corrupted Hard Disk Drive Partition
* Internal or External USB Disk Drive Partitions not detected in your Computer
* Accidently deleted data pictures files folders videos from Hard Drive
* Erased Photos from Hard Disk
* Videos Recovery
* Corrupted Pen Drive External USB Hard Disk and Flash Drive Storage data recovery
* Deleted Files and Folders
* Lost Photos Videos and other Data

Master Recovery software | Recover Deleted Files can help users to recover all sorts of deleted files. This application recovers all deleted data like photos, videos and audios from any situations.

Recover Deleted Photos - Recover Deleted Videos and Deleted Audios.

Recovery software : Recover Deleted Files is a free android tool that recover deleted photos - videos and audios. 
Data Recovery Software - Recover data will recover all those important data with ease. Recover Deleted Photos - Recover Deleted Videos and Recover Deleted Audios.
File Recovery android data recovery is a powerful recovery tool. it solve all data loss issue quickly and painlessly within three steps: Scan - Preview - Recover.

All in one Free Data Recovery Software for different Data Loss Situations. 
Android devices stores loads of important data including photos - videos and audios. But data loss and data damage can happen anytime.Data loss and data damage occur in various scenarios like phone updation or water damage or factory reset etc. No Matter why these files is deleted. Deleted files Recovery App provide easy way to recover deleted files.

It is a Risk FREE Data Recovery Software for Android Phones.

Feature of Data Recovery Software - Recover data 
Safe and reliable it should always come first High success rate recovery and determines whether you can get back your data or not.

Data recovery App download to recover lost or deleted file, photo, video, document from hard disk, memory card, USB drive, mobile phone.

Recover Deleted files software allows users to bring back your lost data which got lost due to accidental deletion, broken device etc etc. recovery software is the best if you're looking for an easy way to get back your data from any android device or storage media.
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Friday 14 May 2021

Download MAUSAM App for Update of weather

Download MAUSAM  App for Update of weather

  • The app is available on Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store
  • The app gets weather updates 8 times a day
  • The app automatically warns of bad weather
  • Currently the app is working for 200 cities, soon this number will be 450

The central government has launched the ‘Mausam’ app to make weather information easily accessible to the general public. From this app users can get weather forecast information. The app has been jointly developed by the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics, IITM (Indian Institute of Tropical Metrology) and IMD (India Metrological Department). This app is available on Play Store and App Store. Earth Science Minister Dr. Harshvardhan has given his information by tweeting.

Weather information for 450 cities
The app currently only works in 200 cities, according to government claims. It will be made available to users in 450 cities in the next 7 days. This app provides weather information for the last 24 hours and for the next 7 days. The weather update will be seen 8 times on the app.

There will be a bad weather warning
This government app, like other apps, uses different colors for weather updates. The app automatically warns users of bad weather.

Union Earth Science Minister Harsh Vardhan last Monday launched a government mobile application with the intention of tackling weather challenges in a timely manner, which will provide weather forecast information for almost every city in the country. The app will provide accurate information to the general public including weather, temperature, rain, wind speed, air humidity. According to the government, the app will start releasing weather forecast reports for around 450 cities in India in the next seven days. 24 hour weather forecast will be given on this app.

Notifications will be updated eight times a day on the Mausam app. At the same time, colors have been used to easily understand the weather updates. Weather information on the app will also be available in three colors Red, Yellow and Orange. At the same time, a warning will be issued if the weather is dangerous. The app will initially give weather updates to 800 stations and districts at three-hour intervals..

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The Mausam app is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This mobile app is jointly developed by International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune and Indian Meteorological Department. Speaking on the occasion of the app launch, Minister Harshvardhan said that huge investment is needed to replace the new device, computer related resources to make the weather update accurate. He said the investment should be at least double the current budget. Explain that till now there was no special mechanism for daily updates regarding weather forecast in the country. In such cases, people had to resort to the reports of private institutions, which did not provide weather updates for every single city. In this case, the official new Mausam app can get rid of this problem.

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Tuesday 11 May 2021


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Sunday 9 May 2021

Duplicates Cleaner Android App

Duplicates Cleaner Android App. 

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No other duplicate cleaner app (or) duplicate files fixer app can beat us in file deletion performance, our app is great for recovering loads of storage space very effectively & efficiently!

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Discovery+: TV Shows, Shorts, Fun Learning

Discovery+: TV Shows, Shorts, Fun Learning

New Release: discovery+ Original – Neeraj Pandey’s Secrets of Sinauli: Discovery of the Century, featuring Manoj Bajpayee as host.


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Saturday 8 May 2021

Quick Heal Total Security

Quick Heal Total Security, certified by AV-Test, provides robust web security against malicious threats. It blocks malicious and phishing websites, scans all apps, protects children with Parental Control features, provides Call filter and offers advanced anti-theft features.

This  app uses the Device Administrator permission.

Features & Benefits:

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Motion Alarm: It notifies user instantly if the phone is moved from its current position, alerting about the possibility of a theft.

Pocket Alarm: Ensures pocket theft protection by instantly notifying user, if someone attempts to steal phone from pocket.
comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.

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Scan Before Download: automatically scans apps even before you download them from the Google Play Store. It also informs you whether an app is safe to install or not.

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Background Scan: inspects every downloaded app to ensure that it’s safe. The antivirus engine also scans the entire device for malware and malicious programs.

SafePe: secures your financial transactions when you use payment apps for online shopping, banking, paying bills, etc.

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Parental Control: blocks specific websites and websites based on their categories such as adult, violence, drugs, etc.

Call Filter: blocks unwanted calls from individual numbers or entire series. International calls can also be blocked.

Boost: It speeds up device performance, improves battery life, and kills idle or running apps on demand.

Network Monitor:It monitors data usage and sets alerts and limits for the same.

Remote Device Management: helps you remotely lock your lost or stolen device, wipe its data, and trace its location.

Message Center: displays all crucial notifications and news alerts at a centralized place.

Privacy Advisor: helps you review apps installed on your phone and their permissions which may affect your privacy.

Security Advisor: guides you about settings that can enhance the overall security of your Smartphone.

Security Shield:displays the security level of your device and data through a graphical representation.

Excel, DevOps, Azure, Angular, NodeJS and more.

Regular Automated Virus Updates: takes automatic virus definition updates.

Intruder Detection: takes snapshots of anyone who tries to unlock your device with a wrong PIN.

 Download Quick Heal App
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Friday 7 May 2021

Downloaded HD Video Downloader & Live TV - VidMate latest version

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Gujarati Entertainment FlLM :- Oho Gujarati Entertainment FlLM

Gujarati Entertainment FlLM, Natak Super colection : Super PDf

Gujarati Entertainment FlLM, Natak Super colection : Super PDf

For the history darlings there are numerous other lovely memorable structures, in addition to various meaningful landmarks, eminently Square De La Reina. Additionally fabulous exhibition halls (24 altogether, for example, Museo De Bellas Artes (established in 1683 and is the historical center of expressive arts), Almudin (worked in the fourteenth century and somewhere in the range of 1908 and 1991 turned into the gallery of fossil science) and Museo De La Ciudan (for the full history of Valencia) to give some examples. Relaxation – For the Horticulturist there are some excellent greenery enclosures (jardines) in Valencia, most acquired from the Bedouin culture....

A portion of the must sees are the Jardines De Viveros (nursery gardens) which recently had a place with the royal residence of Muslim ruler ABD Al-Aziz, Alameditas De Serranos which is a greenery enclosure territory on the correct hand side bank of the stream Turia, developed in 1830 with numerous figures set among the fluctuated foods grown from the ground trees and different verdure. Jardines De Monforte (presently named a national imaginative greenhouse) and Jardin De La Glorieta (the most seasoned patio nursery in Valencia worked somewhere in the range of 1817 and 1844) Shorelines – Valencia is honored with four shorelines all with fine brilliant sand and range from 2,700 meters in length to 4,940 meters long.

Two shorelines, Pinedo, south of Valencia’s seaport and Fields Malvarrosa which are the city shorelines, both have bars and cafés along the contiguous roads, while El Saler and La Devesa shorelines are a short stroll from vehicle leaving territories and accordingly a lot calmer shoreline regions. GOLF – There are five fairways set around Valencia, Club De Golf El Bosque (18 holes), Club De Golf Escorpion (27 openings), Club De Golf Manises (9 holes and the most seasoned club),Club De Oliva Nova (18 holes) was planned by Severiano Ballesteros, and Club De Golf El Saler (18 holes) is viewed as a standout amongst the best greens on the planet. Cruising – Valencia has an incredible port which has as of late been altogether moved up to host the Americas Container and is available to general society with a large group of exercises, diversions, eateries, bars and shops. Bike Hustling – Valencia has its own circuit which has been named after Ricardo Tormo, the first Valencian rider to win a big showdown.

NIGHTLIFE – Valencia offers a wide and differed amusement situation for the youthful and not all that youthful, straight and gay. From theaters (14 altogether), shows, discos, gambling clubs, flamenco and parties, it’s everything here in huge amounts.

Lodgings – Being Valencia there is, true to form, a tremendous decision of uncommon inns from three to five stars. To give some examples, Hilton Valencia (5 stars), Hospes Palau De La Blemish (5 stars), Sorolla Castle (5 Stars), Barcelo Valencia (4 stars), air conditioning Valencia (4 stars), Husa Chil Craftsmanship (4 stars), Husa Reina Victoria (4 Stars), Expo Lodging (3 stars), Beta Inn Valencia (3 stars) and Renasa (3 stars). Different choices are, Red Home Inn and Purple Home Inn which are great spending alternatives in the downtown area and Home Inns have four inns around the town. To lease a condo go to Settlement Valencia Lofts, who have more than 40 midway found and prepared condos.




Oho Radio is Uttarakhand’s first App-based Digital Radio Station. Our motto is ‘Soch Local, Approach Global’. Oho is the first of it's kind to revolutionize a platform that brings people together with a wider vision to create a society that shall live, learn, unlearn, relearn, and grow together.


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 Oho Radio is here to promote regional music and content by making it accessible to every nook and corner of the world.

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